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Why Does CBD Cause Diarrhea?

why does cbd cause diarrhea

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a unique compound found in hemp and marijuana that won’t make you feel high. It’s like a versatile health superhero that can help with many health issues and make you feel better overall.

One cool thing about CBD is that it can help people with irritable bowel syndrome disease by reducing symptoms like diarrhea. But here’s the twist: taking too much CBD can sometimes cause diarrhea as a side effect.

So, it’s a bit like a two-sided coin, and we’re here to explore how CBD works with your tummy, how it can help prevent and ease diarrhea, and how to use it safely to avoid unexpected trips to the bathroom.

Can CBD Help With Diarrhea?

CBD may help with diarrhea by affecting the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates various bodily functions.

Research suggests that CBD could be a valuable treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which often causes diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms.

A 2018 study focused on ulcerative colitis, a type of IBD, found that patients who used CBD reported decreased symptoms, including relief from diarrhea.

When you consume CBD and other cannabinoids, they interact with receptors in your gut. This interaction leads to muscle relaxation, reduced inflammation, and relief from spasms and abdominal pain. So, CBD might relieve those dealing with diarrhea and IBD symptoms.

Does CBD Cause Diarrhea?

woman taking cbd oil

While it’s not very common, some studies have pointed out that diarrhea can be a side effect of using CBD. But here’s the exciting part: CBD is often used to help ease diarrhea in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

So, why would CBD oil cause diarrhea if it’s supposed to help with it? Well, the culprit might be the dosage. Research on the safety and effectiveness of CBD suggests that diarrhea is more likely to happen when someone takes a significant dose – more than 300 mg at once.

In reality, most folks use much smaller doses of CBD in their daily routines, usually around 50 mg or even less. This way, they can enjoy the potential benefits of CBD without worrying about tummy troubles.

What Causes Diarrhea: CBD or THC?

CBD is often associated with causing diarrhea more than THC.

But here’s the interesting part: There isn’t much proof that THC leads to diarrhea. THC might give you a dry mouth, make you forget things temporarily, or give you dry eyes, but it’s not connected to diarrhea.

On the flip side, studies have suggested that diarrhea can be a side effect of CBD. So, let’s delve into why CBD might make you experience diarrhea.

CBD Dosage

CBD can sometimes lead to an upset stomach and diarrhea, mainly when you take a lot of it. Don’t worry because you can’t overdose on CBD to the point of danger. This is more likely to happen if you’re new to CBD. So, if you’re just starting, begin with a small dose and slowly increase it until you find the right amount for you.

Diarrhea from too much CBD can also be linked to using too much of the oil it’s mixed with, making your stools looser.

Consumption Method

How you take CBD can make a big difference in whether you’ll have tummy trouble.

CBD oils with MCT oil might give you diarrhea if you overdo it. CBD gummies with gelatin or capsules with specific ingredients or consuming hemp flowers can also be risky. Vaping CBD is less likely to upset your stomach, and topical products, like creams and lotions, won’t affect your insides.

So, if one way of taking CBD isn’t agreeing with you, don’t give up! Try a different type because it might not be the CBD itself causing the problem.

Poor Quality

Beware of low-quality CBD products flooding the market because of lax regulations. Many of these items can be risky, possibly containing harmful additives or from mass-produced hemp filled with soil contaminants and growth-enhancing chemicals.

These impurities, along with heavy metals and mold, might lead to unpleasant reactions in your body, including diarrhea.

To steer clear of these subpar CBD offerings, your best bet is to purchase from reputable companies. Look for those who proudly provide certificates of analysis for all their products. This ensures you’re getting safe and high-quality CBD.

The Response of Your Endocannabinoid System

When you use CBD, it teams up with your endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short. Picture the ECS as a team of tiny superheroes made up of cannabinoids, enzymes, and two special agents called CB1 and CB2 receptors. Together, they’re responsible for keeping your body running smoothly.

CB1 receptors are like the brain’s secret agents but also have a presence in your digestive system. They’re in charge of controlling how your gut moves. Their primary mission in your belly is to balance everything in your digestive tract.

On the other hand, CB2 receptors are like the immune and central nervous system’s commanders. They’re mostly found in your organs, skin, and the immune system. These receptors help immune cells talk to each other effectively.

Some people suggest that when CBD interacts too much with CB1 and CB2 receptors, it might lead to an upset stomach. But this is just a theory, and no one has yet tested it in real-world medical studies.

What Dose of CBD Can Cause Diarrhea?

Diarrhea can sometimes happen when you take a lot of CBD, usually over 300 milligrams. However, CBD affects people differently, and certain factors in your body can increase the chance of diarrhea.

There isn’t a specific CBD amount that always causes diarrhea, but the more you take, the more likely it becomes a side effect.

If you’re new to CBD oil and worried about an upset stomach, start with a tiny dose, like 3 mg. See how your body reacts. If everything’s okay, you can gradually increase the amount and see how you feel.

Do Some CBD Oils Cause Diarrhea More Than Others?

Unless you have allergies to certain substances in broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD, the type of CBD oil you use shouldn’t increase your chances of getting diarrhea.

Isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum CBD oils are generally well-tolerated and shouldn’t cause diarrhea unless you consume more than 300 milligrams.

If you experience diarrhea after taking CBD and aren’t sensitive to any natural compounds in your CBD extract, it could be due to low-quality ingredients.

Now, let’s talk about the issue of carrier oils.

The two most commonly used carrier oils in CBD products are MCT and hemp seed. These oils are blended with CBD extract to enhance its absorption in the digestive system, increase the volume of the product, and reduce the CBD’s potency.

Carrier oils are crucial components of CBD oil and offer various health benefits on their own.

However, the fats in these carrier oils can occasionally lead to diarrhea, especially when a person is taking a large amount of low-strength CBD oil. Some individuals have more sensitive stomachs, which increases their risk of experiencing diarrhea.

If diarrhea is linked to the carrier oil in your CBD product, we recommend trying a different form of CBD.

Options like edibles, capsules, tinctures, vapes, and topicals are available if you’re experiencing digestive issues from CBD oil. Just ensure your new product doesn’t contain the same carrier oil that may be causing stomach discomfort.

How to Prevent Diarrhea with CBD?

man sitting on the toilet

You can avoid getting diarrhea from CBD if you follow some simple steps. We’ve covered these tips earlier in the article, but let’s summarize them so you can make an intelligent choice.

Here’s how to keep CBD-induced diarrhea at bay: You can avoid getting diarrhea from CBD if you follow some simple steps. We’ve covered these tips earlier in the article, but let’s summarize them so you can make an intelligent choice.

Here’s how to keep CBD-induced diarrhea at bay:

Find a Trustworthy Vendor

When you choose CBD products from a trusted supplier, you’re increasing your chances of getting top-notch CBD and lowering the possibility of experiencing unpleasant side effects like diarrhea from CBD oil.

Premium CBD goods are crafted using the finest ingredients and are rigorously tested to ensure they’re free from unwanted substances.

When you buy from a reputable source that readily provides third-party lab reports for their entire product range, you’re taking an intelligent step to minimize any potential hiccups in your CBD journey.

Choose the Right Form of CBD

Cannabinoids affect people differently. The amount you need and how you react can vary. Some folks require more, while others might react badly to specific elements.

If you’re experiencing diarrhea after using broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD, it might not be the CBD itself causing it. Sometimes, it’s one of the other substances in the whole-plant extract. If that’s the issue, switching to CBD isolate might help.

Check the ingredients in your CBD oil. Some can upset your stomach. For instance, using edibles with gelatin or CBD oil with a particular carrier oil could lead to diarrhea symptoms. Be mindful of what you’re consuming.

Purchase the Right Potency

Taking a lot of CBD can sometimes lead to adverse effects such as an upset stomach and diarrhea. The biggest chance of this happening is when you simultaneously have more than 300 milligrams of CBD. However, this amount might differ for you, as everyone reacts to CBD differently.

If you’re beginning to use CBD and aren’t sure how much to take, starting with low-strength CBD oil products is a smart idea. This will help you see how your body responds to different amounts of CBD throughout the day. Beginning with a low-strength CBD oil is especially good if you’re new to CBD.

Gradually Increase Your Dose

If you’re new to CBD, it’s wise to begin with a small dose and gradually increase it every 2-3 days. This helps your body get used to this new compound.

Going straight for high doses can sometimes lead to stomach trouble, like diarrhea. So, it’s best to take it slow and steady. While a hefty amount might be necessary for specific health issues, starting with a big dose right away is not a good idea.

Instead, work your way up to the dose you need rather than diving in all at once. For instance, if your target dose is 500 mg daily, begin with less than 50 mg and bump it up by 10 mg every 2-3 days until you reach your goal.


Did you know that CBD can influence how your stomach and intestines work? It does this by interacting with something called the endocannabinoid system. One cool thing about CBD is that it can help with diarrhea.

It can regulate gut motility, reduce inflammation, and ease any discomfort in your stomach to have a more comfortable time in the bathroom.

But here’s the catch: taking too much CBD might give you diarrhea as a side effect. This is more likely to happen when you take doses over 300 mg. But don’t worry; there are ways to reduce the risk.

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